You do disable cookies for Google, right.. ?


can't get over the price. $3B. More than AMD paid for ATI.

Yeah, and they got ripped off. But nVidia would have been much much more expensive. AMD definitely needed to by a graphics chip company and unfortunately for them there were only two real candidates. One good but super-expensive one, and one crappy but only very-expensive one.
AMD should have purchased nVidia 4-5 years ago, but hindsight is 20/20.

Anyway, back to DoubleClick and Google...
I read that when the bidding got to $2B, Microsoft said "too rich for my blood" and folded their hand. While Google is more like a 12-year-old who just inherited a fortune from a distant relative and is busy blowing it on candy and trinkets.

I suppose at $3B Google isn't getting very much "Evil per dollar"