oh, man. must think happy thoughts, must think happy thoughts. fingers in ears. la la la la la.

Quick, here are 3 things I still like about Google.
  1. Uncluttered front page

I spoke too soon.
Today a "menu bar" appeared on the Google front page.

Is this simply a well-reasoned organization of a clean and simple interface?

Or is it the first stumble on a downslide leading eventually to a front page cluttered with Flash animations of dancing wombats, 32-point red blink tags, 19 layers of frames, slow-loading cascading mouse-over menus, an embedded sound-clip, a stock ticker scrolling across the bottom, and of course, the entire search box and search button embedded inside of a Flash or Java app that you can't even access until you click through two pages of interstitial banners. (I.e., think Yahoo or Ebay)

Time will tell.

Anyway, one down, two to go.

Or as we say on this side of the Atlantic: "Steeeerike One"