That's cheating

I found it interesting that the same search string on MSN produces the same result, but Yahoo points you to the main Contact Us section in Google.

And it also smacks of a company that is drunkenly in love with its own metaphor. (Ignoring some basic navigation aids for us poor linear thinkers.)

I'm sure if you work at Google, it's hard NOT to assume that is the way it should be done. I don't think it's done on purpose (they actually have a Feedback teaser text on this About page which makes me think they had a generic feedback form at some point. Google isn't just a few people anymore, and they don't just have a single product. What are you going to contact them about? Maps? AdWords? Angry because your website isn't the first hit for "consultant"? Providing a generic feedback form is kind of hard to manage when you are growing like Google is.

I think the paint faded on "Don't Be Evil" as the brand crossed the Great Wall into China.

I agree. I have been concerned about this, also. Wikipedia is not budging on their stance that they must not be censored in any way (I listened to Jimmy Wales give the keynote at an event last week and discuss this topic). I hoped that Google would head down this path. They've caved on this issue because they think they will be able to make a bigger difference if they are in China instead of being blocked. I can't help but think this might be a bit of a financial decision, though.
Mark Cushman