I couldn't resist

I got out the soldering iron and hooked it all up. It kinda works too....
Starting bash.
empeg:/empeg/bin# rw
EXT2-fs warning: mounting unchecked fs, running e2fsck is recommended
empeg:/empeg/bin# /empeg/bin/wallbox 83b0 &
[1] 103
Seeburg Wallbox Application Version 1.0 by Scott Swazey
Read 200 items from playlist 83b0
Timezone: Atlantic/South_Georgia
Hijack: intercepting config.ini
player.cpp : 564:empeg-car 3.00-alpha7 2004/02/13.
Prolux 4 empeg car - 2.1490 Feb 13 2004
Vcb: 0x4070e000
bad state 778, button 0, letter 0, ticks 18
Logged 256 samples to /bad_state_778.bin
Edit - Durr found file in root, find it attached.
So I am happy that it seems to work ok, just the 50Hz problem I think
