I'm just about to release the source to my wallbox application. But, I still have one bug... If I leave the empeg on all the time, it will not play the first song selected. It correctly Queues the song, but it does not play. If I manually press play, the song plays. Everything works fine, but after a few hours, the first song will queue but not play.
It has to be something to do with the way the empeg "sleeps" when at the "end of playlist"
I know the driver code is correctly determining the state of the empeg, because it looks at empeg_notify->sound and sees that the player is stopped, so it queues the song (no append) which wipes out the previously queued playlist (which had already finished). The driver then sends the "space" character to the player. Usually, the empeg player app will start playing the song that the wallbox app just queued. But if the empeg has been sitting at "end of playlist" for a few hours, it acts as if it is ignoring the "space" charater I sent to start the player.
Any Ideas?
BTW anyone besides me actually using it?