If you have access to a linux host you can convert the bad_state.bin file into a format that excel can read. Use the following command:

# od -td4 -w4 bad_state_778.bin > bad_state_778.txt

Open the .txt file in excel. Do not double click to open it. You must choose the File->Open command in Excel to open bad_state_778.txt. Choose Fixed width and you should have a spread sheet with two columns (not all the data in one).

Open the attached spread and copy the second column of bad_state778.txt into Column "B" of the attached spread sheet. Look at the top chart to see if the data is correct.

Based on the state 778 and the tick count (18), 50Hz will not work with the current wallbox application. I can probably write a 50hz version, but I will need the "bad_state_7xx.bin" for the following Buttons A1,B2,E5,F5,J10,K10. Don't send them to me until you've plotted them using the attached spread sheet to confirm that they are correct. Your current wallbox is clearly broken... Sorry


304314-WallboxDecoder.xls (1237 downloads)