Next, you will ask how to search within and reorder active playlist, unscramble the running order around a tune (in order to play the original album)...
Ok, I get it, I am a spoiled Geek (proudly so)

At least, in Apple's mind, I guess.

On that note, I suppose there's no way to have Albums (within an Artist) sorted by the year an not by their name. Oh well...
One thing really bothers me, so far. Audio quality at the standard headset output jack is really poor. Volume keeps being relatively low, even if I activate the auto-gain fucntion. Which I don't lilke in theory as it could well decrease ever further audio quality, as Andy is confirming. I just want to be able to increase and decrease the volume as needed, and have enough power to do so without problems. I'd happily use a thicker and heavier ipod to that purpose.