Thanks for posting about this. I'd heard that they were planning to do it, but I didn't know that it was going to happen so quickly. I also didn't know that there was going to be any HD content available.

Time for me to reinstate my Netflix account.

I'm still not a big fan of virtual-only media. Yeah, it makes sense for a lot of reasons, but I always worry about stuff I own being under someone else's control, lack of built-in backup, obsolescence, etc. Some of that would be resolved by getting rid of DRM, but that's unlikely to happen. I understand the studios' desire to have some ability to prevent unlimited copying, but it doesn't work, and my understanding of it doesn't make it less hindering to me. But I do also want a physical copy. My "need" for that has reduced somewhat in recent years, especially with easy redownloads becoming more commonplace. But I still worry about my copy disappearing. I suppose that makes me a luddite to some extent.

However, if it's under the auspices of rentals, I think digital delivery is a great thing. I need no physical copy because I'm not hanging onto it anyway. DRM isn't really as big a deal when you don't own anything anyway. And the library-style renting is great. There's something that tweaks me about paying for a digital download I can't keep, but if you're just paying a fee for access to everything, that just feels different.
Bitt Faulk