Laptop arrived today with the 15" UXGA+ option, and I've been using it for a few hours. First impressions on the screen are that is a huge amount better than the Macbook. Better colours, very good viewing angles and nice and bright even lighting which is a great relief. The resolution looks good to start with, it feels like I'm using my computer at the IMAX! It is amazing that I have more space on my lap than I do on one of the 20" displays at work.

Anyway, the bad stuff happened after just half an hour of relaxed browsing on my sofa. At a 'normal' distance I had quite a bit of eye strain. I've never had eye strain before and really think I have good vision, but this hurt quite a bit and had to take a break. But now I've realised that you need to sit much closer to this screen to use it comfortably. I've used it while sat closer for a while now and its a whole lot better, no strain. Ergonomically this isn't ideal (not too bad), but it seems to be the compromise I will have to make.

Sure, I'm definitely liking this screen myself, I think for someone who wants to use a Dell Studio for normal home use rather than spreadsheets, terminals and code the WXGA+ option is easier to recommend.