I don't rate my 1st gen Macbook display because there is a colour cast and the viewing angle isn't great. But yes, at least it is quite comfortable to use.

I am trying to figure out what the problem is. I'm typing on the laptop right now and going to use it for a bit before wiping it and putting it back in the box. Its not the CCFL backlight, this seems quite even and I can't detect any flicker.

Initially I said the viewing angles are quite good, and they are in the way that through a wide horizontal angle there is minimal colour change. But there is something weird going on, at a very slight change in angle there is a slight change in colour. The blue background of this BBS changes its shade ever so slightly as I move my head around. Maybe my eyeballs are not seeing the same colour? I've got the text size upped to a sensible size. Looking at Bitt's paragraph above it is a good size but it is not comfortable to read, its almost ever so slightly 3Dish. I think I can't really figure out how to focus on it, well that is what it feels like.

When I opened up the laptop about an hour ago I was thinking again "hey, this is alright". But now after some more time I can feel my eyes hurting slightly. It is a problem that isn't easy to pin down and takes a short while to develop.