Originally Posted By: wfaulk
There's nothing to indicate that that episode of House took place between the events of the episode before and the episode after.

I dunno, I think that in the absence of explicit flashback or flashforward framing, one's entitled to assume that the arrow of time from episode to episode, if uneven, is at least monotonic. Perhaps Lost doesn't work like that (I haven't seen it), but that'd be because its timeline is part of its gimmick, and other House storylines --
Click to reveal..
Cuddy's child, the changing composition of the team, the stuff with James Earl Jones

-- only make sense if episode order is timelike in the internal worldline.
In reality, I imagine it has far more to do with scheduling than writing.

Scheduling is, at least in the gross sense, part of the script editor's job, which is part of the writing job. But whatever you want to call that job, it's being done lazily and compromising the otherwise excellent programme.
