Originally Posted By: tfabris
I totally read that as "throw tomatoes" at first.

Apparently that's what the critics are throwing at The Last Airbender.

You have no idea how disheartened I am by this review. Massawyrm is usually a reviewer I trust, and he clearly gets the show and loves it. What he's said M Night has done to the lead character is unforgivable, and I suspect I'll never see another M Night movie again after this one, if it truly is as bad as everyone is saying.

I knew from the first things that MNS was saying about the show that he clearly did not get what it was about. He was far more concerned with these spiritual and Buddhist aspects that he saw in the show than the actual elements that made the show great. And I'm not talking water and fire, here. I'm talking about mythology and epic storytelling, character development, and genuine heart that I've never seen in any other show before. We're talking about a show that won an award for "Unusually complex characters and healthy respect for the consequences of warfare."

It sounds like MNS has created a real turd, where he kills the personality of each and every character and doesn't get the point of the show at all.

I'm going to be really pissed if this sucks as bad as it's said to.