I set it up to work with all of our employees. I first setup our dns so that vnc.mydomain.com pointed to my firewall. Then used port forwarding with translation to foward 5501 to, 5502 to, etc... Then I setup static DHCP for those workstations so that they'd always have that address.
At that point, you could connect to employee 2 by entering vnc.mydomain.com:2 in the "add new viewer" dialog.
Then I compiled singleclick with our employee's names and their addresses. So when someone was on the phone or I'M with our support staff, they just clicked on My Company Remote Support, then on Tom, Dick, or Harry. Then we rolled the singleclick into our Wise installer package. Obviously won't work to put names in if you have a lot of turnover, but we didn't, so it added a personal touch, and we could always update the list when we rolled out updates.
Probably more info than you ever wanted, but there ya go. Hopefully this is legible...I pecked it out on my Droid.
~ John