I'm fairly sure you are outside of Google Map's licence by caching them offline...
I'm fairly sure I don't care.

I've never been presented with a licensing agreement from Google as I'm not using any Google products. Last time I checked, Google didn't ask my permission before they used a photo of my house to help sell their mapping service, so we'll just call it even. In any case, it's really between Google and the author of the software. The software also supports Yahoo and Microsoft maps BTW.
I'm just entertaining some tests with these mapping programs. I won't be satisfied with anything so primitive that it uses bitmaps. It's got to be vectors for a real mapping solution, so I'm likely to give Navigon a try. I'm even going to give TomTom another shot since I've been reading about their recent software improvements and updated maps.
But... I came back here to mention another one of my cream f the crop programs. This one is actually quite functional and I just remembered about it today, even though it was long ago on my to-buy list. "Deliveries" from JuneCloud. I've been using their Mac OS widget for most of the year and this is able to sync using a web login to their site.