Originally Posted By: wfaulk
I assume you have a set of columns that are the automatically declined verbs, and you're manually going back through to find the cells whose automatic declensions are incorrect due to irregularity and entering the irregularly declined forms manually.

So select those columns, manually deselect the header cells, and apply the conditional format, matching on lack of formula.

That would work, but it is easier said than done, Bitt. There are a LOT of column headers (see attached sample) and in a few cases there are regular verbs without formulas because the verb doesn't end in "ir", it ends in "ír" (with accent mark) which puts the formula into failure mode and writes out "~" instead of the declension. Those verbs have to be manually typed in even though they are (for the most part) regular, and thus they lack formulas.

Once my macro is set up, each irregular verb gets formatted red/bold automatically as I type it.

Now I need to set up another macro to repair some missing grid lines. (880 of them!) To do this, I need to emulate a left mouse click with the keyboard. Anybody got any ideas on how to do that? Oh, wait, it's only 36 grid lines to fix. I'll do that manually. But, is it possible to right-click via keyboard?

(right-click the picture and select "View Image" to see detail.)



Edited by tanstaafl. (10/12/2010 02:34)
Edit Reason: ..."view Image" note
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