Originally Posted By: wfaulk
Doug, I know you have a soft spot for your AnyKey — I had one too, and still do, somewhere — but you're doing it wrong.

You need to separate your data from your layout. You need to put the data in another sheet as simple rows and columns, and then have another sheet that does all the fancy display.
I dunno, Bitt. That would certainly be a more elegant solution and perhaps more technically correct, but it would add several layers of complexity (an extra sheet, display/printout separated from the data, etc.) to what is a relatively simple group of rows and columns. As things are now the only complication is that some of the cells are a different color, and that was dealt with during the data entry. Well, the formulas are a bit tricky I guess... The whole purpose is to print out and cut each page up into four pieces. Precision control of the output is critical and I don't want to dilute the WYSIWYG aspects of the spreadsheet. Probably if I were as well-versed in Excel as I know you are I would see things differently. (All my Excel knowledge is self-taught with a good bit of guidance from Paul Grzelak.)

And yes, I love my AnyKey. I have a spare tucked away in case this one ever dies. I use those keyboard macros a lot and would be lost without them. One macro that I use 40 or more times per week consists of 106 keystrokes!

"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"