If, hypothetically, that person then docked their empeg into that dock to use emplode to modify some playlists, what might happen to the I2S/DSP circuits of that empeg in that case?
Outputs fighting outputs. Something's gonna get fried.

I'll see if I can figure out a way for you to test whether or not the empeg I2S is still working or not -- an oscilloscope or logic analyzer would be ideal, but perhaps other means might work here.
EDIT: Okay, volt meter on pins 1,2,4,5 of the I2S header. On my empeg, they all average out to about 2.4V while playing Pink Floyd. 
If your empeg board is no longer outputting I2S, then it's strictly limited to the DSP chip -- replace that, and all would be good again. But more practically speaking, if you don't have a spare empeg or two laying around, we (you and I) could just do a mainboard swap via the post. Let me know. We have at least six of them laying around here.