Guilty as described! My first school computer experience was the BBC Micro, then I moved to a school that used the RM Nimbus range (incidentally, that company, Research Machines, may be a contender for tahir's query -- apparently they manufactured desktop and server systems in Oxford until 2014).

Then it was back to Acorns in secondary school, lots of the cheaper A3000, some of the A400 series as pictured above, and a couple of A5000s that were noticeably faster. Eventually they got some Risc PCs towards the end.

Then University was mainly Unix pizza boxes, mostly but not exclusively Sun systems like the SPARCStation 20 and Ultra 5. (Also pictured above, as it happens!)

Edited by snoopstah (16/06/2020 07:32)
Empeg Mk2a 128G with amber lit buttons kit - #30102490

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