Ok attached is the most resent updates. I've done a few more things with this one. There are not more static links (unless I forgot to take one out here or there). There is also a built in option to view the empeg large or small. I couldn't find an easily modifiable fascia that would with on the 2x screen so i just blew up the small fascia. If anyone wants a better looking one I can do it, no problem. I actuly don't think it looks too bad. I also fixed a few buttons on the empeg that were set wrong.
Let me know if theres anything else I should put in here. I also tried making this out of flash and i can't get the screen to refresh. If anyone has a better way of updating the screen please post. The way right now is ok but it could be a lot better.


58053-EmpegWeb V1.3.zip (43 downloads)