>Ok here is the latest. I went over everything to make sure it works.
>I also removed all the statics ip's except for the main ftp:// link.
>Anyone know how i can make this load to show the directory
>of the empeg without having it static?
>I tried "/" but it didn't work.

Well, now that you've got it looking really pretty-like, I've probably gone and broken it again.

Hijack v130 is out, and the changes that affect your awesome scripting are:

-- http "GET /some/path?options" no longer returns NULL, but rather fetches the path as in pre-v129 versions. So if you want button presses to not waste bandwidth, then point them at /dev/null, as in "GET /dev/null?button=20df12"

-- http "GET /any/directory/?anything" now skips the search for "index.html". This means the "ftp://static_ip/" can now be replaced with a simple "?"" (I think), or perhaps "/?"

Other new stuff in v130:

-- new "SITE RW /" command: rw remount of / only
-- new "SITE RW /drive0" command: rw remount of /drive0 and /
-- new "SITE RW /drive1" command: rw remount of /drive1 and /
-- ftp "CWD" command now validates the new directory path
-- the .png generator is faster and smaller than before
-- the .png generator is now re-entrant, allowing multiple simultaneous connections to /proc/empeg_screen.png


Edited by mlord (17/01/2002 09:32)