Ahh... sorry!
Don't mind me....I'm smiley-impaired!
Well its somewhat rare that someone smoke in their cars here in sweden. Even some of the car- companies(like Saab) don't include the cig-lighter when you buy the car.
That is now common here, too. No lighter in my Subaru, just the socket and a plastic plug. Of course then Subaru turns around and decides to play tobacco billboard again in WRC (grrrr....) so the behavior is not always consistent.

If you can imagine it, in 1985 I was working on a medical intensive care unit (many of the patients were smoking-related lung disease) and you could smoke in the very small conference room in the middle of the unit! Not so today. Perhaps one or two things change for the better!

'Tis the exceptional fellow who lies awake at night thinking of his successes.