Better yet, take up a cause that means something.

This "I'm in your face NOW, smoker!" mentality is weak. When I smoked I had people walking up to me on the street to deliver some really original lectures. You know what? If you really care about your health and the health of others, get tobacco products criminalized. While you're at it, take up the cause on all fronts -- lobby for cleaner water, air and food. Call or write your representatives and let your voice be heard. Sound too tough? Rather write anonymous slams to strangers online or be rude to people on the street? That's your right, Jack, but you aren't fooling me with your sincerity.

To backfill my statement a bit, I agree that one should not smoke around those who don't want to die an early death. But the sanctimonious crap that flies so easily out of the mouths of people who probably eat a steak for dinner, chug six beers, get five hours of sleep, wake up and drink a pot of coffee, eat two donuts, drive to work in their SUV, work a stress-filled morning, eat fast food for lunch, chew on a roll of Tums an hour later, get home late to an irate spouse and try to catch up on bills while drinking bottled water because the tap water tastes so damn horrid just sounds FUNNY to me. And not ha-ha funny.

In short, "Keep it in perspective and enjoy life."
your fiend, mafisto