I have never seen SA 2K (I use SA 8), but I'm sure there is some way to Copy the text directions, it's probably just hidden away somewhere. Have you tried right-clicking in the directions window? As a last resort if there's a window that shows all the waypoint names, can you just select the text in this window and hit Ctrl-C to Copy? Whenever you figure out how to copy these directions please send me a sample (Paste it into Notepad and save) so I can add a filter in FromSA for it. When you are ready to Paste this info into FromSA you will probably have to uncheck "I am pasting from Streetfinder" and strip out all information from the pasted text except for the waypoint names, one per line. This checkbox determines whether to filter based on SA 8's direction format so I doubt it will strip it out automatically for you, although it might. If you hit generate and it strips everything except the names you will know if it worked or didn't.
As far as the as the crow-flies directions go, that is happening because you don't have a latitude/longitude file. In SA 8 you go to File..Export Route as Lat/Lon file or something like that to get the file. I'm sure they still have this in SA 2K somewhere since this featue has been around since like SA 2. Look around in the file menu for Export options or try the help, what your looking for is an option to generate a file with a list of route points called a Lat/Lon (Latitude/Longitude) file in Street Atlas terms.
If you don't find this but find other export options let me know, and if possible send a file with an exported route to me. They may have changed the format some in SA 2k and I'll have to write a filter for these files.