Zeke, you just described me exactly too. Although there is a developers board, it only really states facts. It's not a how-to guide which is the problem. I have wanted something like this too.

Someone needs to set up a web page or another section of this BBS that has "articles." More than a FAQ, like a how-to. People could then write these "articles" (for rookies and experienced programmers) about different processes like compiling the kernel for the empeg. Even the most basic information can be good information for many people. In my case, I have good programming experience for windows and I have a good idea of the concept of Linux but have a hard time getting started.

By building such a wealth of information, the empeg can by developed in much more depth which would benefit everyone here. Writing these "articles" wouldn't take very long for the people that know their stuff!

So who's up to setting up a web page, and who's up to writing the first article?

Alex Lear
Alex Lear