2) Transfer it with a version of emplode that transfers non-mp3 files. I read from this that emplode has been changed such that the more recent versions *only* transfer MP3 files. Too bad

Though I left programming decades ago and have no intent to write add-ons to the player, I regret this. If emplode really has really been changed in this manner it's a feature that has been removed.
I strongly believe that applications should target for intelligent use. With that I mean, that applications should
warn when someone wants to use existing facilities whenever they can, for something un-usual / out-of-the-ordinary rather than being sealed-off anything outside primary use / dumb-proofing it. Uploading a non-music file is such a thing: the player already check for invalid MP3 files / skips these.
I'll scrounge my disks later today. Hope I can still find an old emplode version that hasn't been crippled.
Unless/until we (you ??) get a dedicated / fast file upload facility, of course

mk2 6 nr 6