...well, my idea (but I haven't actually had a chance to test this theory) was to change the original mount point.. My debian image is installed under /drive0/root ... so,
mkdir /drive0/root/debdrive0
mkdir /drive0/root/debdrive1
umount /drive0
umount /drive1
mount /dev/hda4 /drive0/root/debdrive0
mount /dev/hdc4 /drive0/root/debdrive1
ln /drive0/root/debdrive0 /drive0
ln /drive0/root/debdribe1 /drive1
THEN chroot...
again, this is just my theory, but I don't see why it wouldn't work.. some of the commandlines might not be right though... Anyone wanna tell me a better way to do this? I was pretty unsuccessful in copying the environment.. I tried copying the existing environment files to my debian files, then deleting the existing environment/ linking to the debian environment.. result? a very crashed empeg which needed reimaging:)
ps - sigh - just realized it wouldn't work.. my debian image would just move up.. I *can* access one drive at a time though, but that's kinda a pain.. any hints?
...proud to have owned one of the first Mark I units
Edited by dionysus on 29/8/00 04:14 AM.