Now, the details: Which shuffle? Should it just use the shuffle that you last selected? Should emplode offer a choice of shuffles for that playlist? Should the extra submenu offer the complete list?
I intentionally avoided these issues.

Honestly, there is, as you know, a fine line between offering options and making the interface clunky. Maybe there could be some way to define a particualr shuffle mode as the default. No reason that couldn't be set through emplode, although you could have a longpress ``set as default'' option under the Shuffle menu itself. And for those playlists you want always shuffled, you could conceiveably define which shuffle there, too.

If there's a user-defined default, then you wouldn't need to always show a submenu for which shuffle, a shortpress could mean to use the default, but a longpress could show a submenu. And I agree with Jeff that you probably wouldn't need this except with Replace. Then again, if it takes a longpress to get there, then there's probably no reason to not have it for the others.

Of course, now we're talking about what's best for most users, which brings us to the next logical step, which is configurable UI, where the users could change how the menus are configured, what defaults are, etc.
Bitt Faulk