Sorry to bring up an old topic, but something just ocurred to me:

On the insert sub-menu (Enque, Append, Replace) would anyone ever want these to Enque, Append, Replace shuffled? (The way it currently operates) It seems to me that if you're Enqueing tracks, you probably have a reason for listening to them soon, and that you probably want them in order. The same goes for Appending (though I don't know why you'd do this at all while listening to a random shuffle). So for those two at least it seems to me like a good solution is for "Enque" and "Append" to always insert non-shuffled, even if the player is in shuffled mode. This would fix Tony's problem, and even allow Bitt to enque the albums he wants to hear in order. (Though it doesn't solve the reverse problem of wanting to to insert a shuffled playlist when the player isn't in shuffle mode). However, if the "replace" command were to always insert as non-shuffled (since it's already a duplicate command it could be reasonable be altered to work this way) then Bitt could essentially leave the player in shuffled mode and use the sub-menu for times when he wants to replace with a non-shuffled list.

So to recap: what I think would be cool would be to make the insert sub-menu options always insert in order. I don't know how technically feasable this is, or if perhaps I'm missing a reason why someone would want to enque/ append in shuffled order, but it would be a simpler interface than adding another sub-menu or something else because it utilizes the current setup. Just an idea anyway.
Rome did not create a great empire by having meetings; they did it by killing all those who opposed them.