im often asked about my name
here, i will tell all(some)

back in the day i was on irc alot and i had the name bluebell, because it was the first thing i thought of when i jumped online. for no huge reason i changed it to bluesex, prolly cause i kept getting called blueballs
sometimes i had lots of sessions online. my dreamcast, my computer, my moms computer, my friends computer when i got online from one of them i would change my name according to what i was on
i was bluesex on my computer, orangesex on my dreamcast, greensex on my friends and purplesex on my moms
i talked to this dude named joe alot
maybe it was josh, irrelevant
mention came up about my being a virgin. a colorblind virgin, at that
he laughed his ass off
'your names some color and sex, two things which you know nothing about!'
he said i was very flexible
customizable, even
hence, customsex