Hahah... nice.

My usual online name is skivvie. It came from this guy i took a spring break trip my Junior year in high school with to Tampa, Florida to go to the skate park of Tampa. He was a sort of thuggish older guy who came along with me and my friends at the last minute and had the most "original" way of speaking i'd ever heard. One of his catch phrases was "damn skippy" instead of a simple yes. Somehow over the course of that trip it became "damn skivvie i'm wit it". My friend James picks up on other peoples speach patterns very easily, and by the end of the week was saying "damn skivvie" every 5 minutes. I of course had to mock the hell out of him for stealing someone elses saying, and over the next few months it somehow got flipped around on me, and bam, i was "skivvie".

But i like your story better. =]
|| loren ||