Dragging and dropping URLs out to bookmarks? Or something else?

It seems that one of the things I regularly do in a browser is edit the address (to go to the top level page of a site, e.g.).

In IE, this consists of the following steps:

1. Click in the address bar.
2. Drag the mouse to select the portion of the address I don't want.
3. Press Del (or type in the replacement text).

In Firefox, step 2 triggers a drag-and-drop action, which means I have to click again to deselect all of the text before I can drag-select the portion I want to replace.

Yeah, it's seemingly minor, but it was frustrating enough to keep me from using Firefox as my primary browser. And I have tried -- it's installed as my default browser on my laptop (along with Tbird, rather than Outlook).

With this security hole (are there any non scaremongering links to the details yet?), I might be forced to reconsider, but I'll still find it annoying.

And as for my RSS reader (RSS Bandit), I won't be able to switch to using Firefox unless it's as easy to embed in a C#/.NET application as IE is.
-- roger