those evil bastards moved the "Web - Images - Groups - Etc." links from between the Google logo and the search field to the top of the screen. I'm tellin' ya, it's probably only a matter of moments until you hear the jackboots kicking in your door.

I hear ya, man! It's definitely one of the signs of the Apocalypse!

(Something tells me I forget to put a smiley after my earlier overreaction.)

Isn't there enough negative in the world without all this "Me Too!" FUD?

I'm not following you on this one, though. What exactly am I "me tooing"?

Hey, as far as I know there isn't exactly a large army of people joining me on my solo crusade for simpler and cleaner interfaces. Just take a quick look around at the flash-encrusted web of today. Yep, I'm pretty much an "Army of One" (whatever that means).

OK, OK, I could probably convince Edward Tufte and Jakob Nielsen to be on my side. So maybe there's as many as three of us to "me too" each other.