But here's what really troubles me: If you want to tell Google you don't like the change, how exactly do you do that? I am reminded of Klaatu's ship on The Mall.

Gee, I don't know... how about clicking on "About Google" then "Contact Us"?

Aha! I see that you have fallen into my cleverly-constructed trap! He who dares to mock The Immense Hogan must perform nine Great Feats if he is to live....honorably.

Your first Feat: follow the link you so bravely boast about and find the simple webform or email address where Jim can simply, electronically say "I like the old menu placement better. Could that be a configurable option?"

Though that's probably a just another way they're being evil: giving people a simple way to voice their opinion.

If you accomplish this feat, the other eight, easier feats will be waived.

And you get to dope slap The Immense Hogan.

'Tis the exceptional fellow who lies awake at night thinking of his successes.