Haha, if you think emailing them is hard, try contacting them by phone sometime.

We had an amnesty deal at work where if you had an attachment out for your arrest for an unpaid parking ticket, you could pay the ticket without having to pay attachment fines. One of the higher ups thought it would be a good idea to list every person's name and address that had an attachment on a series of web pages, sorted by last name, so it would be easier to check and see if YOU had an attachment you didn't know about. It was public record anyway, so they didn't see a problem with it.

3 months went by and the program was concluded. Then we got a call from a lady that was mortified that her contact info was easily searchable in google. Since the pages did not require an logon, and since the genius that put up the page didn't tell the spiders not to cache it, her name was stuck in google's cached pages, along with her home address.

What makes this a big deal is that she was a victim in a spousal abuse case, and was currently hiding from her ex. Now, google has a tool to wipe http sites from their cache, but it's broken when you try to kill an https page. I called for 3 days and could get NOONE but extremely basic tech support, who had no idea how to get a hold of anyone with any power. Thankfully, the cached pages expired without her ex seeing them, or we could have been on the hook for a lawsuit that we should have, and probably would have, lost.

Holy farking Klaatu.

So, what's Morley Safer like in person?

'Tis the exceptional fellow who lies awake at night thinking of his successes.