Did you guys see this article? It's speculation, but if it pans out it would keep many TiVo users subscribed to DirecTV.

Very interesting. I seriously doubt that will happen, though. All the talking is coming out of Tivo, not DirecTV, and DirecTV has put a lot of money into their new units.

Bitt, I don't like the DirecTV unit very much, but it's got some good points. I hate that LED ring as well, but it's possible to turn that off (just press the left and right buttons on the face of the unit a few times).

The one major feature that the box is lacking is the smart fast forward and rewind. You know, where it'll jump back a little after fast forwarding, the amount of which depends on how fast you were going? In my mind, this is an essential feature, but I've been told that Tivo has a patent on that or something (you can get a patent for everything, it seems). So I've been using the DirecTV unit, and it's maddening that there is no possible way to go through a commercial break and resume playback before your program starts.

Oh, and Bitt, you said you wanted to wait a few days, but just be aware that the promotion ends on the 16th.