Yeah. I'm pretty happy so far.

Things I like:
  • The menus are so much faster than the incredible slowness I'd gotten used to with the HR10-250
  • My wife uses the closed captioning a lot and it's a lot easier to get to and back from now
  • I have an odd TV -- 4:3 tube HDTV -- and there's a specific option for that on the TiVo setup menus
  • Autoswitching to the correct output format. My TV does 480i, 480p, and 1080i. I told that to the TiVo and it automatically uses the correct output format depending on the source
  • Groups are neat
  • The "recently deleted" group is neat, not only because you can "undelete" now, but also because it no longer requires you to confirm when you delete (I think)
  • Downloadable movie rentals is neat
  • Built-in networking is great. I don't have to argue to get the modem to work with my VoIP service
  • This is kinda stupid, but I enjoy the little games on it
Things I don't like:
  • It is expensive
  • Sometimes the remote seems to double-up keypresses
  • Not that I had them before, but it would be nice if multi-room viewing and TiVoToGo worked
  • The light-up remote is a good idea, but it only lights up after you press a button, after which point, you probably no longer need it lit up. My Harmony remote has a motion sensor
  • Amazon Unbox should have more movies available for download rental. And I'm not talking about obscure movies. The other day I thought I'd test it out by renting X-Men 2, which I've not seen. It's not available.
  • The remote is just different enough from the previous generation that I keep hitting the wrong buttons
  • Remote scheduling works only through TiVo's web site. Why isn't there an interface directly on the TiVo itself?
Despite the reasonably long list of things I don't like, they're pretty insignificant. By far the biggest one is the price. After that, the TiVoToGo/multi-room and the poor download selection are the biggest problems, and they're not too bad. The rest are niggles.

I'm sure I have a few more on either side, but I can't think of them at the moment. The new case is neat. It seems to be made of fiberglass instead of sheet metal, which is kinda nifty. But I don't have a good view of the front yet. I don't want to cram it in my entertainment center until I get the CableCARDs installed.

Does it do CallerID? I forgot to hook the phone line up to it.

Oh, and one thing they should add:
  • TV stations are stupid and broadcast programs that were initially recorded in 4:3 480i as 16:9 HD signals. On most HD sets, this is probably not a big deal, but on my 4:3 tube, it means I get a postage stamp image (that is, black borders all the way around). It would be nice if the TiVo could take those signals and ramp them back to a 4:3 output format so that I could see the picture fullscreen. Of course, that's just a hack, as the TV station should be broadcasting them as 4:3 digital signals to begin with. It would take less bandwidth and, you know, be the correct thing to do. Of course, I assume that a channel can switch back and forth between resolutions at will.

Edited by wfaulk (21/06/2007 13:21)
Bitt Faulk