Your current wallbox is clearly broken... Sorry

Well I don't find that hard to believe, I will get some contact cleaner etc... and give it another go. That was for button A1.

Hmm it doesn't look anything like A1. See the attached comparison of J10 and A01.


How many times should the selector be going round? It only goes round once per selection at the moment

one complete rotatation of the pulsing dial. The coin counter will advance one step for each selection.


As I said the box is in a pretty bad way, but seems to function as it should on the most part.

The motor may be running, but it's not pulsing correctly. Have you been able to load up one of the bad_state_7xx.bin file into excel? Collect bin files for A01 & J10 and compare them to the attache logic analyzer file.


304327-buttonsJ10andA01.PNG (916 downloads)