I've been telling my friends that I'm going to build on my ranch property for too many years now, apparently.
For Christmas, one gave me this book and another gave me this software.

My mom tried the Punch! software a couple of years ago, but she wanted something that would tell her intimate details for stud walls. The learning curve was also quite daunting and, in the end, off-putting. Then again, she wasn't after a 'new home design' tool, but rather a way to easily design and build small improvements. In short- there's no substitute for expertise.
As Andy says- this is purely a visualization tool.

Meanwhile... I *do* need a visualization tool for my case. I'll be looking around with what I can do with these gifts.
We'll see how far I get with my Spanish/Pueblo Revival ideas.
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10101466 (2x60GB, Eutronix/GreenLights Blue) (Stolen!)