Originally Posted By: music
 Originally Posted By: Robotic
We'll see how far I get with my Spanish/Pueblo Revival ideas.


I'm looking forward to the unveiling a few shooting star parties from now....

The biggest factor is my trepidation wrt financing. It's quite a bite to take! Look for developments to unfold in stages rather than one single grand unveiling. ;\)

 Originally Posted By: Archeon
This is exactly the same software I've bought. You're in for a fun time, trust me!

With a 50 hour learning curve, it's gonna suck for a while. \:o

 Originally Posted By: Archeon
But it would be nice if they would lower the learning curve a bit. The software now comes with some example videos, but there are too few of them to be of any real use. The manual that came with the software seems daunting at first, but then things become even worse when you start reading it and realise this is only a 'quick start' guide. ;\)
As said, this is indeed some very powerful software. Shame 'powerful' usually equals 'hard to master'...

I'll have a look around the internet and see if there isn't a user forum for support (moral, if not otherwise). I hope there's one out there- if not I might be tempted to become a BBS administrator!

 Originally Posted By: Archeon
Cool! Good luck with that!

Thanks! Good luck to you, too.

A quick googling for "Punch! Home Design Forum" got me a couple of links that look promising.
One is private-
and the other is from Punch! Software-

Edited by Robotic (28/12/2007 18:41)
10101311 (20GB- backup empeg)
10101466 (2x60GB, Eutronix/GreenLights Blue) (Stolen!)