Ok, if you can come up with a use-case for me personally, you'll have accomplished something Google has been unable to.

I believe I've mentioned previously that the whole GV thing is convoluted and ambiguous enough that a great many people don't see a use case - or see the wrong one and then get pissed off that it doesn't work that way.
Here's what I have now:
At home I have VOIP with a phone number I've been using for 6 years. It's a coveted (in this area) 416 number. It has call routing if I choose to use it and voicemail delivered to email. I'm using an ATA device to which that number is locked. So to physically bring that number somewhere else I have to move the ATA.
I also have a voip.ms account with (currently) two phone numbers (one US and one Canadian), but I can have however many numbers I want. I can route those any way I like. voip.mshave full SIP support so I route those numbers through completely new hardware, including soft phones and my own PBX if I wanted to.
I have an iPhone with a 3G data-only plan. It is connected to the net anywhere I go, either through WiFi (with a decent support of hotspots) and that 3G connection.
I have a Google Voice account and number. I used a US voip.ms number to register.
I want to use that data-only connection for voice as well - keeping voice costs to a bare minimum. Right now I am testing various voip apps along with my voip.ms sip information.