I love the Eye-Fi! I keep trying to get my mother and aunt to use them, but it's a hard sell. I keep telling them how easy it is and how they'll never have to figure out how to transfer their photos from their cameras again, but for some reason they're still so skeptical. Then again, my aunt was the type that never took her photos off her camera. She would just show them to people on the LCD.
I am also amazed at how they fit WiFi into that thing. It doesn't seem like it should be possible! It makes me wonder why everything doesn't have WiFi in it

...and the raw support is useless as I don't have a camera capable of doing raw anyway

And frankly, you simply can't use the Eye-Fi for RAW. The files are just so big and take way too long to transfer. For a while I was shooting in RAW+JPG, but the RAW files just made the transfers take forever, so I turned it off. Just JPGs though, even at the highest quality, don't take too long to transfer. Still, you have to find the setting in the camera's software that turns off the power saving mode. It was buried pretty deep in my Olympus E-PL1. Then you have to remember to turn the camera off. A couple times now I've left the camera to transfer, forgot to turn it off, then went to take pictures and the battery was dead

Great picks, guys! I like hearing about these things.