Quite apart from anything else, it increases the chances that the service will be around for a long time...
True. It is just me, I am one of those who hates installments/periodic fees/sybscriptions and other forms of payments that extend in time. Still, I use them all the time, it goes w/o saying. But, was I offered a $2 monthly fee or a $100 upfront lifetime, provided it is for a product I like and cherish, I'd probably go with the $100. What can I tell you.

I find my Garmin nav a nice (useful) device. Garmin asks for € 20 circa each full map update. But they also offered a life-long update plan, at € 100, which can be migrated from one device to another (but one device at the time). I particularly liked that. Only last week I updated my Garmin for the sixth time, so I am only now economically benefiting from the life-time subscription, after more that two years. If it wasn't that it is a water-proof model for motorbikes which they did not care to update so far, it would probably be outdated hardware, and after two year who knows what I would be considering now. Trying TomTom, getting a new model wich comes with at least one mat upgrade, etc. So, I am not sure the life-long subscription it is a valid economic choice. Pychologically, I like it. I just know that I can always plug my Garmin to my PC and update it, and forget all worries.