Sure, but setting up a country-wide infrastructure for these devices to communicate through? Instead of say, an even lower power and lower range alternative that uses a base-station/repeater that connected to the internet via WiFi or ethernet or even cellular modem?
I can't even put into words how absolutely ridiculous I think the idea is. Ugh.
The whole idea of an IoT network isn't stupid; the thing which IMO marks this one out as strange is the ridiculous data rates, though something may have been lost in translation. Max of 1kbit/sec... for what, the fabric or a million devices at once? It's possible this important scale factor has been overlooked in their documentation. The lowest rate of 10 bits per second is unlikely to be useful even for low power applications simply because you need to keep your device powered for a minute to send a header & packet

There are whitespace startups like Neul, who are making a robust wide area solution to compete with cell companies, targeted squarely at IoT. This makes a lot of sense, and they have significant data rates... can't wait to see their silicon as a rackmount transceiver is a bit big for me!