Most of the shows on the TWiT network seem to have no state. In that they will discuss an issue, misunderstand or mischaracterise it and then never correct themselves in a following show. Or they will understand an issue one week, only to get mixed up on it next week.
I've noticed some of this too. Every show pretty much discusses the same issues, and then
might make observations based on the theme of the show, but most of the time they just say the same thing everyone else is saying.
In other cases, I've found I simply can't stand the hosts anymore. I've listened to Tech News Today since the first episode, and it does help me stay informed, but I can't stand Sarah Lane and Iyaz Akhtar. If Sarah is hosting one day, I delete the show immediately. Tom Merrit, on the other hand, is great.
The 5by5 shows on the other hand tend to correct themselves from listener feedback when they get it wrong. Which leads to a lot less of me shouting at the Squeezebox that they are wrong...
Ugh, I definitely hear you there. Leo has always claimed that he's all about the social aspect of podcasting, and he's so proud of his chat room. But TNT is the show that actually reads their email and gets corrections, and he's not on that one.
And I still can't work out if Steve Gibson is a crackpot, genius or both

Haha! I think both. He's pretty dang smart, though.