don't do their own laundry.
Funny you should mention that. I am arguing with my wife about whether to buy and install a washer/dryer. It will cost about $25,000 pesos (~$2,000 USD) (and yes, I have it tallied in an Excel spreadsheet

) because of where it
has to be installed, which will involve running gas pipes, replacing an old, inefficient hot water heater, chopping a hole in a masonry wall, digging up a sidewalk and the street and getting the municipality to connect directly to the sewer line.
Presently, we are paying $40 pesos (about $3.20 USD) every two weeks to have someone else wash, dry, and fold our clothes. I could barely pay to heat the water, pay for the gas to dry the clothes, pay for the electricity to run everything, and buy the soap if we had our own washer/dryer. It would take about 25 years to amortize just the cost of the installation. Factor in the cost of the estimated service life of the machines and it's a no brainer.
"But it's so much more
convenient having our own washing machine" she says. Considering that the entire scope of her laundry duties for the past three years has been to ask me "Would you drop the clothes off at the lavenderķa when you walk the dog this morning?" I question that "convenience" argument.
However, since I am the man of the house, the head of the household, the boss of the place and the one who makes all the important decisions... I guess we'll probably be putting in a washing machine and dryer sometime in the not too distant future.
