Tom, as usual I think it's really what fits you personally.
Completely agreed. One however does not know what fits without knowing the other options well too, hence me asking and wanting to throw out benefits I currently enjoy to compare. It's also why I'm willing to buy and try other devices too. This isn't a contest to say which is better for all time and will be crowned champion of the universe. Just my household

Don't get too hung up on nitpicking each item I posted, they were just meant as examples to see similar from the Google side. Rob, thank you for pointing out a few I was unaware of, Chrome Remote Desktop is interesting. And by no means is the situation I'm in perfect. One issue I have with iCloud currently is in regards to PDFs. If I do save one to iCloud on my desktop via Preview, my iOS devices have no way to see the document.
I will note on the router example, it also applies to my extenders. Those I may not notice a problem with as quickly with the no internet situation.