Things bode well. My, er, my friend's, values are different than yours, but I'm getting voltages in the 1v-2v range on the SCK, WS and SDIN pins, and those voltages change depending on whether the empeg is paused or playing. The SDIN pin fluctuates on voltage as it's playing and is pretty steady when it's paused. It's a low voltage in the range of 1.4v when paused, and closer to 2v when it's playing. I think that tells me the empeg might be fine, and all my, er, my friend's, problems are entirely on the bluetooth chip.
I just realized this doesn't bode well.
If the empeg is functioning OK (won't know for sure until the other bluetooth chip arrives in a few days, but let's assume that it is for now) then what caused the bluetooth dev board to fry? I thought originally that perhaps it was my docking the empeg to the tuner that broke something, then the act of reconnecting it to the dev board broke the dev board. But if the empeg wasn't damaged by the tuner docking, then that theory doesn't hold.