Jumping into a somewhat dormant thread:

We did the lockdown thing much like everybody else. Luckily, my kid was able to do school from home without much issue, and my wife and I were able to do everything remotely. Conveniently (?), I was already planning to be on sabbatical and working from home for 2020, so I got January and February at home alone before the world came crashing down.

What kept me sane, through all the lockdown, was biking. In 2020, I roughly doubled my road biking mileage relative to 2019. Initially, it was just me and one friend who I trusted, but once it became clear that COVID wasn't especially infectious, while biking, my regular biking crew started riding together again. (With Delta now, that would seem less safe, but then everybody in the crew is vaccinated. One of them, an OB/GYN, recently caught it from a client. Eek.)

Thankfully, nobody in our immediate families got COVID, and everybody is now vaccinated. We even managed to see some family and do a short vacation, but that's all crashing down again. No more eating in restaurants, etc.

I will mention that I was asked to testify in a Texas Senate hearing, concerning voting machines, but that same hearing also had several higher-profile bills concerning things like transgender rights. I signed up to testify early in the day and didn't actually get called until something like 9pm. At the time, I was only just a week past my first Pfizer shot, so I was exceptionally cautious. Others attending the hearing? Well, there was somebody who got up to testify and instead led the audience in singing the national anthem. During a pandemic. A respiratory pandemic. The only reason I didn't just get up and bolt was that everybody in the room had to pass a "rapid" COVID test (nasal swab) to get an wristband for entry to the hearing room.