Just out of interest, how much does it cost to insure an Impreza in the US? I'm 23 and live in UK so insurance is a nightmare. Whilst I could probably just about afford a new WRX, the insurance would be somewhere in the region of £6000 which I cannot justify. It's all very well spending serious money on a car because at least you've got something to show for it. But spending £6k on insurance and then having a claim free year is just a bit too much especially as they'll probably increase the premium for the next year anyway. I'm currently paying over £1000 on my current car, and it's not even particularly sporty.

Not that I'm jealous or anything, I'd really love an Impreza, my cousins husband had one, admittedly he's nearly 30 so his insurance is considerably less. Looks like I'll have to see how expensive a Golf GTI is going to be in the meantime.

Andy M