GPB 6000 (US ~9000) for insurance is obscene, are you talking about an export WRX or a grey-market Asian import? Is there such a thing as "Non-Primary Auto" insurance in the UK?

Last year in Germany with a 325 I paid about DM 2400/yr for maximum coverage and no deductible. Back in Florida now with my M3 it's about US 3000/yr, and I would expect to pay a few hundred less on a WRX. I'm 24, and my record had been clean (expunged anyhow) until I accidentally used I-95 instead of the Turnpike a few months before my six-month renewal

WRT US variances... Five years ago my insurance agent told me that New Jersey had the highest rates and Florida was third (I'd just moved back to the latter from the former). Localized variances are where it gets really weird, at the time Buck's County, PA had the highest rates. There was a big problem with people registering their cars in NJ to get a cheaper rate!